The Essential Guide to Online Reputation Management

Reveo reputation and review management software.
EJ Bowen
Updated: December 7, 2023
Est. Reading: 10 minutes

Online Reputation Management


In today’s fast-paced digital era, the online face of your business is your new storefront. It’s where first impressions are formed and often where decisions are made. Bill Gates once said, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” This rings especially true in the realm of Online Reputation Management (ORM), where every review, comment, and social media mention can shape your business’s narrative.Bill Gates - Quote "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."


A staggering statistic highlights the gravity of reputation management: according to a BrightLocal survey, a whopping 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses – a trend that continues to rise. This underscores the power of digital opinion in today’s marketplace.


But let’s face it: even the best businesses face criticism online. Those few negative reviews, if left unchecked, can overshadow all your hard work and positive customer experiences. Here’s where ORM swoops in, offering a strategic shield and a savvy way to present the best version of your business to the world. It’s not just about damage control; it’s about sculpting your online presence into a true reflection of the quality and integrity of your business. Whether it’s a less-than-stellar review or a misinformed social media post, ORM helps you navigate the choppy waters of online opinion with grace and strategy.


Decoding Online Reputation Management


In the maze of the digital world, your business’s online image is a beacon that guides customers to your door. With 93% of consumers using the internet to find local businesses, it’s crystal clear that what they find about you online can significantly influence their buying decisions. This is where Online Reputation Management plays a pivotal role. Think of Online Reputation Management as your business’s guardian angel in the digital realm, ensuring that when someone types your business name into Google, they are met with positivity.


What is Reputation Management?

Asking for feedback improves your online reputation management

Reputation Management is the art of curating what people discover about your business online. It’s like being the director of your own show, where Google, social media, and other websites are the stages. Your aim is to spotlight the best of your business while ensuring that any negative reviews don’t steal the show. In a world where 34% of consumers are searching daily for local businesses online, the importance of controlling this narrative cannot be overstated.


Imagine a potential customer searching for your service. You want the first thing they see to be positive reviews, glowing testimonials, and a strong, trustworthy online presence. This is what Online Reputation Management helps you achieve.


Proactive vs. Reactive Review Management


Think of Reputation Management as having two gears: proactive and reactive. Proactive ORM is like setting the stage before the play begins – it’s about consistently nurturing a positive online image. This could mean regularly updating your social media, responding to reviews, or publishing engaging, customer-focused content on your blog.


On the flip side, reactive ORM is like being the superhero who swoops in to save the day when things go awry. It kicks in when a negative review or comment surfaces. This approach is about timely and thoughtful responses to criticism, demonstrating that you value customer feedback and are committed to resolving issues. Remember, while only 48% of consumers would consider using a business with fewer than 4 stars, a well-managed negative review can actually enhance your reputation by showing that you care and respond.


Why Online Reputation Management Matters


In today’s digital-first environment, ORM is not just important – it’s essential. With 87% of consumers reading online reviews for local businesses, your online reputation is often the deciding factor in whether a customer chooses you or your competitor. A strong online reputation increases the likelihood of clicks and visits to your website and builds customer trust.


Furthermore, the way you handle your online reputation can directly influence your revenue. Studies have shown that positive online reputations lead to higher sales. In a world where every click, like, and comment can tip the scales, mastering ORM can be your secret weapon in turning online browsers into loyal customers.


Crafting Your Reputation Management Strategy


Navigating the realm of Online Reputation Management requires a well-thought-out strategy. In a digital landscape where 72% of US consumers have penned reviews for local businesses, having a plan to foster positive feedback and adeptly manage the negative is crucial.


Building Your Reputation Management Strategy

Crafting a Review Management Plan:

79% of Consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations


Developing an ORM strategy is akin to drawing a map for a treasure hunt – every step matters. In a world where 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, your strategy should focus on continuously monitoring your brand mentions across various platforms. Engaging with customers online isn’t just a courtesy; it’s a necessity. Your website and social media should be a gallery of positive experiences and interactions with your business.


The strategy should also leverage positive feedback in your marketing. Imagine transforming a glowing review into a social media post or a testimonial on your website. This not only showcases customer satisfaction but also amplifies your business’s credibility.


Encouraging Positive Reviews:


You can influence the narrative but you can’t control what customers say. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences. This could be through follow-up emails, prompts at the end of a service, or incentives for leaving a review. Remember, a string of recent, positive reviews can significantly outweigh the occasional negative ones, especially considering that 73% of consumers focus on reviews written in the last month.


Managing Social Media and Reviews


Social Media as the Modern Town Square:


Social media is the heartbeat of today’s online interactions. Managing your reputation here is as crucial as any other platform. Regularly monitoring what people say about your business, actively engaging in conversations, and addressing complaints can turn potential crises into opportunities to demonstrate excellent customer service.


Responding to Reviews:


Responding to positive and negative reviews is a vital part of Reputation Management. A thoughtful response to a negative review can turn an unhappy customer into a loyal one. It shows that you value feedback and are committed to improvement. Similarly, acknowledging positive reviews builds a connection with satisfied customers and encourages others to share their experiences.


User-Generated Content:


Encourage your customers to post about their positive experiences with your business on social media. User-generated content provides authentic endorsements and boosts your brand’s visibility and engagement. It’s a powerful tool for painting a positive image of your business online.


Harnessing Review Management Tools and Techniques


In the fast-paced digital arena, staying on top of your business’s online reputation demands more than diligence; it requires the right tools and strategies. This chapter delves into why Reputation Management tools and services are crucial for your business, how to choose the best ones, and what kind of investment ORM typically requires.


The Role of Online Reputation Management Services


Navigating the Digital Landscape:


As many as 90% of searchers read reviews before purchasing.


The digital world is vast, and keeping track of every mention, review, or comment about your business can be overwhelming. This is where Reputation Management services come into play. With as many as 90% of searchers reading reviews before purchasing, it’s essential to have a comprehensive view of what’s being said about your business online. ORM tools can integrate with platforms like Google My Business, which is the go-to place for local business reviews, offering a consolidated dashboard to monitor, manage, and respond to what’s being said about your business.


Beyond Monitoring:


ORM services are not just about monitoring; they’re about actively managing your digital presence. This includes responding to reviews in a timely manner, as 20% of consumers expect a response within one day. ORM tools can help you meet these expectations, ensuring that your responses are timely and effective.


Choosing the Right Online Reputation Management Tools



User-Friendly and Integrative:


When selecting an ORM tool, user-friendliness is key. You want a tool that’s intuitive and doesn’t require a steep learning curve. Integration capabilities are equally important. Your ORM tool should seamlessly work with your CRM, social media platforms, and other relevant websites. This ensures that you have a unified approach to managing your online reputation.


Data-Driven Insights:


The best ORM tools offer robust reporting features that provide actionable insights. They help you understand customer sentiment, track the effectiveness of your responses, and gauge the overall health of your online reputation.


Understanding ORM Costs



A Worthwhile Investment:


Investing in ORM tools or services can be a significant game-changer for your business. With 72% of US consumers having written a review for a local business, the need to manage these effectively is more important than ever. ORM tools help enhance your visibility and build credibility, all while saving you valuable time and resources.


Tailored to Your Needs:


The cost of ORM tools can vary based on your business size, the scope of services you require, and the number of locations you operate. While there’s an upfront cost, the return on investment in terms of improved reputation, customer trust, and potentially increased revenue can be substantial.


Online Reputation Management Success Story – Romney Pest Control

Romney Pest Control


In the journey of mastering Online Reputation Management (ORM), real-life success stories often serve as the best guide. One such inspiring tale comes from Romney Pest Control, a dynamic pest control company with three locations across Texas. Over 20 months, Romney Pest Control witnessed a remarkable transformation in its online reputation, thanks to the strategic use of ORM tools.



Company Profile:

  • Name: Romney Pest Control
  • Locations: 3 across Texas
  • Customer Base: Over 25,000 customers


The Challenge:


Before implementing Reveo, Romney Pest Control’s Dallas location had a respectable 4.2 average star rating on Google, totaling 424 reviews. However, they knew they could do better in the competitive pest control market. They aimed to improve their star rating and increase the number of reviews to establish greater trust and visibility online.


The Reveo Solution:


Reveo, an ORM tool, became their weapon of choice to enhance their online reputation. The key was not just to get more reviews but to foster genuine, positive customer feedback that accurately reflected the quality of their service.


The Strategy:


Immediate Engagement: Romney Pest Control understood the importance of timing. They initiated review requests shortly after providing their service, capitalizing on customer satisfaction when it was at its peak.


Engaging Customers for Reviews: Romney Pest Control leveraged Reveo to encourage its satisfied customer base to leave reviews actively. This was done through follow-up communications and by making the review process easy for customers.


Monitoring and Responding: With Reveo, they could efficiently monitor new reviews and respond promptly, demonstrating their commitment to customer satisfaction.


Highlighting Positive Experiences: They used Reveo to showcase positive customer experiences, reinforcing their reputation as a reliable and customer-focused pest control service.


The Results:


Over a span of 20 months, the results were nothing short of impressive:

  • Dallas Location Before Reveo: 4.2 average star rating with 424 reviews
  • After Reveo: 4.8 average star rating with 1,047 reviews


The increased quantity and quality of reviews significantly boosted Romney Pest Control’s online presence. The higher star rating improved their visibility in search results and reinforced customer trust, which is crucial in the service industry.


Romney Pest Control’s story is a testament to the power of effective ORM. By harnessing the capabilities of Reveo, they were able to significantly enhance their online reputation, which is a vital component of business success in the digital age. Their story is an inspiration and a blueprint for other businesses looking to improve their online image and attract more customers through positive online engagements.




In today’s digital landscape, a business’s online reputation is crucial, acting as the first point of contact for potential customers. With 87% of consumers reading online reviews for local businesses, effective Online Reputation Management is no longer optional but a necessity for success. Reputation Management goes beyond addressing negative feedback; it’s about proactively cultivating a positive digital presence, as Romney Pest Control’s success story demonstrated. Their Online Reputation Management strategy significantly improved their star ratings and review count, highlighting the transformative power of managing online perceptions.


Online Reputation Management combines timely customer engagement, strategic response to reviews, and leveraging positive feedback across digital platforms. It’s a delicate balance of being proactive in showcasing your business’s strengths and reactive in addressing criticisms constructively. As the digital storefront for your business, mastering ORM is essential for building trust, credibility, and a loyal customer base in the ever-evolving online world.



Reputation Management FAQs:

What makes a good online reputation?

A good online reputation is characterized by a high average star rating on review platforms, a substantial number of positive reviews, and recent feedback that reflects well on your business. It also includes a strong, positive presence on social media, where customer interactions are handled professionally and promptly. A good reputation is often marked by a digital footprint that showcases your business as trustworthy, reliable, and customer-focused.

Can negative reviews hurt your business?

Yes, negative reviews can impact your business, particularly if they’re not managed properly. Customers often trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, so a series of negative reviews can dissuade potential customers. However, it’s important to remember that a few negative reviews don’t spell disaster. In fact, how you respond to negative feedback can actually enhance your reputation by showing that you value customer feedback and are committed to resolving issues.

How do I make my business look great online?

To make your business shine online, focus on actively managing your online presence. This includes regularly updating your website and social media profiles, engaging with customers online, responding to reviews (both positive and negative), and encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. Utilizing professional, high-quality images and maintaining consistent branding across platforms can also significantly enhance your online appearance.

What are the best ORM strategies?

The best ORM strategies involve a mix of monitoring your online presence, actively seeking customer feedback, responding promptly to reviews, and using positive reviews in your marketing efforts. It’s crucial to have a proactive approach to ORM, which includes regularly updating your content, engaging with customers on social media, and ensuring your listings on review sites are accurate. Additionally, using ORM tools can help streamline these processes and provide valuable insights into your online reputation.


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